Eternity Effects
A square room, window
shades from fifty years ago, small wooden desks and a chalk board, is usually
the typical picture that comes to mind when thinking about a school classroom.
Sitting in class listening to the teacher talk while you would write notes and
stare at the chalk board must ring a bell for most people. Going to school and
learning is such a crucial part in developing and shaping a child’s life. So
tell me how sitting in a plastic chair and wooden desk while only taking notes
is effective in any aspect? Through the eye opening experience of Education
100, I finally was able to develop my thoughts on education and the school
The big question I have
is: What makes an education outstanding? In my previous schools, I either had amazing
and caring teachers or “chalk and talk teachers”, which Educational Foundations refers to as teachers who only teach and
give notes. Before Education 101, I was puzzled about the education system and
schooling. I had so many unsolved answers before entering Education 100. I was
very angry because so many of my teachers never understood me and my learning
style. From formulating my thoughts, I had 4 main questions about education: What
makes an honorable teacher? Is the banking concept acceptable? Is behavior a
key influence on education for not only the student but also the teacher? Then
due to stimulating class discussions, activities and observations I finally was
able to put the missing pieces in my puzzle together. I firmly believe that a
good teacher does not have a stir- and-serve recipe for teaching, teachers no
doubt should personally know their students, the banking concept is not
acceptable and behavior is a key in the education system.
Teachers are the artists
molding students into a complete sculpture. Therefore, teachers should be
inspiring, innovating, caring and accepting. Susan Ohanian in chapter 9 of Educational Foundations touches on the
subject of stir- and-serve recipe for teaching. Ohanian states, “Different
children require different methods, different materials.” I agree one- hundred percent
with this statement. There is no stir-and-serve recipe for teaching; one way of
teaching cannot feed all of the student’s needs. I believe a teacher is not
instantly going to be the best. It takes much time and preparation. There is
not one effective way to serve students. Experimenting in a proper manner or
catering to the students’ needs is necessary to make a good teacher.
Also, an
honorable teacher will not discriminate or exclude students. Chapter 5 in Educational Foundations discusses racism
and discrimination believe there should be absolutely not racism or discrimination
because, it discourages and negatively effects a student’s behavior. Furthermore,
Marlow and Page in chapter 6 of Educational
Foundation discuss how schools have a pull- out basis and leave the
classroom if a student struggles or is not strong in a certain subject. Marlow and Page state, “Students who don’t fit
the mold, for whatever reasons, need good teachers who understand that the questions students ask are the most
central issue to knowledge construction and active engagement”. I agree with
this. An honorable teacher will never exclude a student because they cannot
keep up. Robert Marazno in, Planning for
What Students Don’t Know, ties in directly with teachers excluding students
and discusses what it takes to be an honorable teacher. He discusses how
students need to understand the basics of relationships before a teacher gives
a lesson. Marazno asks, “What mental model do I assume students already have,
and what is my plan for students who don’t have them?” I believe this is a killer question because
many teachers move on so fast at times thinking students know the information. A
good teacher should realize no one is the same and no recipe for teaching
pleases everyone’s taste. Personally, I struggled in school when I was younger.
I constantly was being pulled out of class to go to the mobile unit which kids
called the “dummy box.” This always discouraged me to learn. Also, a child may
fear school because other students are constantly bringing them down. Through
many positive and negative experiences, I no doubt think a teacher must hold
all of the statements above.

Knowing students’ behavior lets a teacher find
the student’s interest, rather than being able to spark their imagination and
eagerness to learn. In the school system there is bound to be misbehaving students.
This can be a great obstacle for a teacher to overcome. Instead of scolding and
punishing the student, I believe a teacher must understand and guide the
student. Steven Rummell’s article, The
Moral Poverty Issue, suggests looking
into the student’s home life or problems in school and this may help determine
why a student is acting up. A teacher should deal with bad behavior in a
learning experience. Talking through what a student can improve on is much more
effective than having them sit in detention. Lastly, a teacher digging deep
into why students behave a certain way can help guide the students through the
year. I believe without understanding how and why a class acts, one will never
be able to really connect with students. A teacher can be more than a person
who teaches at times. Being a mentor or someone to talk to is an important
factor in a student- teacher relationship. Behavior should never be an excuse
not to learn.
Lastly, I am very passionate on how cruel the
banking concept is. There is not room for this demoralizing thing in the school
system. In chapter 8 of Educational
Foundations, Paulo Freire states, “Education thus becomes an act of
depositing in which the students are the decompostiters and the teacher is the
depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues communiques and
makes deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat. This
is the banking concept of education.” The banking concept treats a person as something rather than someone.
Freire also states, “The person is not a conscious being, he or she is
rather a possessor of a consciousness”. This not only degrades a person but
treats an individual as something that should listen and soak up information.
The banking concept basically is a student sitting and listening to the teacher
talk while they take notes. No interaction of the outside world is there to
help stimulate their learning. Johnathan Martin’s article, Pedagodgy of the Ailenated ,states, “Conceptualized alienation
as constituting a profound separation of individuals from their true human nature—their natural
experience of and relationships with themselves, their environment, their
activities”. Martin’s article supports Freire’s thoughts on the banking
concept. I strongly agree with the two articles that the banking concept does
not allow partnership. Also, a person is in the world, not with the world. The
banking concept leaves no room for creativity or an eagerness to learn.
The banking concept pulls the strings of my
heart. I am a victim of this and I am sure that a lot of people are. Many of my
teachers just talked my head off in the past. I retained little of the
information. This made me hate going to school. School was boring and did not
spark my interest. A teacher at JCU said “This class is supposed to be boring.
All I really do is talk and you take notes.” I was shocked, a teacher should
never say this. I firmly believe a teacher should have various learning
activities. Discussion, sharing of ideas, real world experience are necessary
to learn.
Overall, I have grown tremendously in
Education 100. I am very passionate about how a teacher should interact with
students. Education is a two way street. You should learn and teach. Going to
school is an important part of your life. You are with your teacher five days a
week. The teacher should be nothing other than amazing and inspiring. There are
so many teachers that mold a student into an amazing person but there are also
teachers that also are just there. A teacher is the gardener. They take care of
the plants which are the students. The teacher must give the plant sun light
and water for it to grow. A teacher must possess many qualities. In return, the
plant gives us oxygen. It give us life. Students give teachers life and they
should use this powerful gift to the maximum.
Work Cited
Work is
cited in the order of the paper to make it easier to connect with
Ohanian, Susan. "On Stir- and Serve Recipes for Teaching." Educational
An Anthology of Critical Readings. By Alan S. Canestrari and Bruce A.
Marlowe. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2004. N. pag. Web.
Nieto, Sonia. "Racism, Discrimination, and Expectations of
Students' Achievement." Educational Foundations: An Anthology of Critical Readings.
By Alan S. Canestrari and Bruce A. Marlowe. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications, 2004. N. pag. Print.
Page, Marilyn. "Inclusion." Educational Foundations: An
Anthology of Critical Readings. By Alan S. Canestrari and Bruce A. Marlowe.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2004. 61. Print.
Spencer, John T. "We
Hide The Best Parts." Phi Delta Kappan 95.3 (2013): 74-75. Education
Research Complete. Web. 13 MRummell, Steven. "The Moral Poverty Issue." National Forum 81.4 (2001): 38. Education Research Complete. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
J. (2008). Pedagogy of the Alienated: Can Freirian Teaching Reach Working-Class
Students?. Equity & Excellence In Education, 41(1), 31-44.+Jackson, S.
(2007). Freire Re-viewed. Educational Theory, 57(2), 199-213.