Saturday, March 1, 2014

Blog 7

No Right Way
                Great minds do not think alike. From 1st-12th grade, for the most part, teachers used the same learning technique. Sitting in desks, taking notes and listening to the teacher talk was part of my everyday routine. Most of the time I did not even retain the knowledge because I learned the material in such a boring method.  Think I am a bright student, but just listening to a teacher talk all class is just not an effective learning method for me. It took me many years to realize I needed to study the material I “learned” in class in a fun and effective way. So, I would make fun games or tricks to memorize the material I learned. When reading the chapter, On Stir-and Serve Recipes for Teaching, the quote “Different children require different methods, different materials” (Pg. 118) really stuck out to me.
                The chapter suggests about the quote that students do not learn the same way. There is not a magical recipe for an effecting teaching style. A person cannot just go into teaching and expect to instantly be great. Teaching is a constant learning process. Over the years of teaching though, a person can develop the skills to realize or pick up on what style is most effective to teach the students. The teacher should not just use the baking concept technique. Teachers need to realize that just because they think they teach the “right “way does not mean they actually are.
                 I personally believe that not one certain teaching technique does not teach all. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. I believe it is not fair to a student if they are not succeeding in a class due to the learning style. Personally, I am a horrible test taker. Many of my teacher makes test 70% of my grade. I know the information, but I just freak out on tests.  I get mad because some other students do much better on tests then I do but do not know the material as well as I do. I realized that it is impossible to individually cater to each student and their learning style. But, teachers could use a learning style that is most effective for most of the class then help the students who do not get that style. Overall, I think it takes thinking outside of the box to have different teaching methods.

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