Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blog 3 and Off Campus Classroom Expierence

Ponder That

       I never knew what intrigued me into wanting to go in the teaching field. Although I hope to be a speech therapist, I want to work in a school system. With this I have to have to have some back round in education. When reading To Teach: the journey in comics, I was very fascinated with chapter 1 The Journey Begins. In this chapter it shows a male teacher in difficult situations with his students but also uplifting situations. One situation the teacher sees paint and art work all over the floor. Of course the kid does not take the blame. But in another scenario, the teacher helps Jose find an interest of sharing about skateboarding. This chapter made me formulate the question "what does it take to be a teacher?" Can anyone just teacher? Or do you have to have a burning passion for it? Do you have to go above and beyond or just teach at the standard level? Is it just take one certain thing to be a teacher or many things?

Mercer Elementary

     From the outside Mercer Elementary looks like your typical school. But once I stepped inside of Mercer I was blown away. The school was so bright in colors and art work all over the walls. There was even a huge fish tank! The staff had such a great warmth to them. Everyone was so welcoming. The principle explained how Mercer is a International Baccalaureate World School. There mission statement is : we commit ourselves to educate and inspire students to develop critical and compassionate thinking.  With respect, tolerance, and understanding, we guide our students to be internationally minded, life-long, learners. The school has about 50/50 ratio of white children to black with also many Jewish kids.

     From the very start I saw Mercer was all about thinking and taking action. Mercer motivated their kids to learn what THEY  have interest in. Mercer is only a positive attitude school. During the announcements the students said the I.B. pledge, "Today I will try very hard to be Caring, Open-Minded, Balanced and Reflective.  Today I will do my best to be an Inquirer, a Thinker, a Communicator and a Risk-Taker.  Today I will aim to be Principled and Knowledgeable." There is no room for negativity there. Every classrooms walls were crammed with inspiring and motivational sayings. Art work filled the hall ways of key concepts on " who am I?, how can I care?,ect. Also on the wall was what type of learner each student was. Most of the kids were visual learners. Mercer showed much diversity. They even learn Mandarin Chinese. Under most of the English signs also was said in Mandarin.

     Lastly, the classroom experience was out of this world. The class rooms all had motivational sayings and art work plastered all over the walls. The teachers encouraged and welcomed me to come in. In the classroom they did not have desks. they were at tables. The students did much hand on, creative work. The kids had a balance of individual and group work. I was so surprised when Mrs. Smith told her class to " pack up their success." Normally teachers say " hurry up and put away your work." Much work was done on the computer so the student could work at their own level. In the group reading discussion the teacher used Cornell learning. I have never heard of this. It was so amazing because the students formed the main ideas into questions then into visual art work. My jaw dropped when the kids actually wanted to participate. They spoke soooooooo well. They formulated their answers with such intelligence. After the student said the answer the teacher always said " now put that in your own words." Also each day and on weekends the kids had to read 30 minutes a day! Overall the classroom was such an accepting atmosphere. I left Mercer so happy because this school is dead on with their learning techniques. I wish I went to a school like this.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Eyes of Opposite

       On 1/23/24 at 6pm, I observed the JCU cafeteria with my classmate/friend Kevin.

                     Objectves                                                                   Interpretations                                
 Alex (me):
  • People eat in big groups                                               Eat in large groups to feel comfortable
  • Rarely is there 2 or less people eating at a table           Not completely independent
  • Most boys drink soda                                                    Soda is the new water but unhealthy
  •  Most girls eat salad                                                      Want to be skinny/healthy
  • People eating alone wear coats                                     May be in a rush/cold             
  • Left side of caf. much more quiet                                 Smaller and not a lot of food by it
  • Tables are either very loud or quiet                               Depends on personalities
  • People leave there trash at tables                                   Lazy
  • Those who sit alone stare at their phone                       Security blanket or bored
  • Music is loud                                                                 School may not realize how loud
  • Girls stare at other girls                                                 Use to jealous girls from HS
  • Big room,square & circle tables                                    Not used to large caf
  • Many soda machines, not a lot of water                         In France no soda, it's unhealthy
  • Many people wear hats                                                  Cold but in France don't wear hats
  • Many black people                                                         Not used to seeing black people
  • Much noise                                                                     People socializing
  • See snow from windows                                                Observation
  • Pictures in caf.                                                                Makes more interesting
  • Middle food area looks like French kitchen                   Use to seeing French kitchens

       I never really noticed how different I saw see things from others. After comparing Kevin and my observations, I realized I observe more on an emotional base. I was always told " never judge a book by it's cover" so I look beyond the description of something. I look at the emotion or character. When told to describe something, no doubt I lack physically describing the setting. For example, say there is a girl wearing a pink dress. If told to describe I would never say she is in a pink dress, I would say what emotion appears. I would say that describing with emotion based is not a bad thing but does not give a clear factual picture. Kevin, on the other hand described more of the setting. He described what the cafeteria looks like and the physical features of it or the people in it. Kevin is from France so he is used to such a different culture or perspective. I learned the French culture is much more blunt and not so friendly. Once he told me that my eyes opened to why he would not get deep into emotion when describing. Kevin and I really had no opposition to what we described. We described many similar things but we both mentioned things the other did not.
     From observing and comparing I learned many things. My way to view something is not always going to be the "common" or way everyone else looks at something. By listening to someones observations/interpretations, I actually learned about them and where they were actually coming for. This activity also helped me to to realize I need to sharpen up on my physical setting descriptions!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All About Me  

        My name  is Alexandra Christine Kay. My friends call me Alex, but in class I like to be called Alexandra. I reside Broadview Heights which is about 40 minutes from JCU. I am currently "fresh meat" aka a freshman. I hope to be a speech therapist  in the school system. But the hand, I am a cheerleader at JCU and  I also am a competitive figure skater. A few ways to pick me out of a crowd are that I have naturally curly hair that is dark brown. I have green eyes and a round face. I am Austrian and Polish mainly. Also I wish I lived in the 1940's because life was so simple back then. I am not a big fan of technology and am not so good with it. Lastly, I am allergic to almost every food there is to offer.
                For me to take intellectual and creative risks I most be in a very accepting environment. I can get timid at times but I usually always have something to say.Also, the students need to be open and accepting. No doubt I participate when it comes to class. I get nervous if I do not do homework assignments on time. I am a honest student because if I cheat I am only hurting myself. I am 100% a learner from example and repeating. When I do not know something I always ask the professor. I take my grades very serious.

                 As a child I always struggled in school. I had to teach myself ways to help me learn. I think the biggest issue today is that teachers just go over lessons to fast and kids don't actually retain the knowledge. My question for Dr. Shutkin is,  is there one way to be an effective teacher and will you repeat things in class so we can retain the knowledge?